
The king

1. Daybreak -  Rise at Daybreak; breakfast of ale and bread

2. Morning - The King and his advisors look after the business of the barony

3. Noon - Dinner - 1st course: pottage, veal, mutton; 2nd course: duck, chicken, port; 3rd course: fruit, jellies

4.Afternoon - the lord, his knights and squires went hunting or hauking

5.Evening - After supper in the Great Hall, the lord and his family were entertained by minstrels or musicians. Later they went to their private chambers

Knights and soldiers

1.Daybreak - Same as the King

2. Morning - They train for war using different weapons - in an area called the butts

3. Noon - Same as the king

4. some hunted with the king while others carried out military duties

5.After supper they talked, sang and played games of chess and draughts. They slept on benches in the Great Hall


1. Daybreak - Breakfast was a hunk of bread and a mug of ale

2.Morning - Prepared the food for the days meals; cooked the food; did domestic jobs - i.e. chores

3.Noon - For dinner they had bread, cheese and ale. Sometimes they had the luxury of some beef, bacon or fish

4.Afternoon - Continued on with their work

5.Evening - After supper they went to sleep